Jan 11, 2017

Pineapple Jam

                                Pineapple Jam
Who doesn’t like jam 😉😉😉 …. Bread and Jam will be loved by all mommies including me and if it is homemade jam without any preservatives means it will be double okay. I thought preparing jams are a tedious process but it is not so … it is too simple. I prepared strawberry jam 🍓 when we went strawberry picking 🍓🍓 last year. I have followed the same procedure here to make pineapple jam. Some of us will be remembering our “HAPPY “jam brand. I loved their 🍍 pineapple jam 😋 . Those bottles were too cute to look at and it was too delicious. My sisters hated pineapple jam and as always majority wins I had to settle down with mixed fruit jam. As a sweet craver I loved all sweet goodies so that was not a problem 👍. Pineapple jam is my all time favorite 😍.  As I said jams can be made easily at home.  Unlike commercially available jams you don’t have to add preservatives. It stays well for 3-4 weeks if it is properly refrigerated. Try this super easy and super tasty 🍍🍍 jam. If kids hate to eat fruits this is the easiest way to make them eat 😊 . Okay then let’s get started.

Preparation time: 10 min

Cooking time: 25-30 min

Serves: 3


Pineapple: 1 (medium size)

Sugar: ¼ - ¾ cup

Lemon juice: 1 tsp


1.       Scrap the outer skin of pineapple and cut into cubes as shown.

2.       Puree the cubes with the help of a mixer.

3.       Heat a thick bottomed pan and transfer the puree.

4.       Add in the needed sugar.

5.       Once you add sugar the puree becomes runny as sugar melts.

6.       Cook in low- medium flame for 15 min stirring occasionally.

7.       After 15 min (approx) it starts to thicken, once you get jam consistency switch off the flame.

8.       Add lemon juice and mix it well.

9.       Once it gets cooled, transfer to a clean and dry container.

10.   Serve as a spread for bread, chapatti or roti.

11.   Enjoy.


1.       You can add yellow food color and pineapple essence if desired.

2.       Store in dry container and use a clean dry spoon / knife while using.

3.       Adjust the quantity of sugar according to the sweetness of pineapple. So check for sweetness after pureeing.
4.       You can replace pineapple with any other fruits of your choice like strawberry or mango. Adjust the sugar quantity accordingly.

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