Jan 18, 2017

Netholi Peera

                                                         Anchovies with coconut

Anchovies in spicy coconut sauce…oh it's yum....😋. It takes back me to my childhood days where we used to enjoy these kinds of delicacies. Netholi / anchovy is a very small fish even its tiny bones are also edible.  They are cooked in spicy coconut sauce along with gambooge /kudam puli. The flavor is so inviting that we end up having a heavy meal 😃. Usually we make this recipe with fresh Netholi /Anchovy, but here it is too hard 😕 to get those fresh ones so I have tried this with dried ones. You can serve this with rice, dosa or even bread 😉.Give it a try . Okay then let’s get started……

Jan 11, 2017

Pineapple Jam

                                Pineapple Jam
Who doesn’t like jam 😉😉😉 …. Bread and Jam will be loved by all mommies including me and if it is homemade jam without any preservatives means it will be double okay. I thought preparing jams are a tedious process but it is not so … it is too simple. I prepared strawberry jam 🍓 when we went strawberry picking 🍓🍓 last year. I have followed the same procedure here to make pineapple jam. Some of us will be remembering our “HAPPY “jam brand. I loved their 🍍 pineapple jam 😋 . Those bottles were too cute to look at and it was too delicious. My sisters hated pineapple jam and as always majority wins I had to settle down with mixed fruit jam. As a sweet craver I loved all sweet goodies so that was not a problem 👍. Pineapple jam is my all time favorite 😍.  As I said jams can be made easily at home.  Unlike commercially available jams you don’t have to add preservatives. It stays well for 3-4 weeks if it is properly refrigerated. Try this super easy and super tasty 🍍🍍 jam. If kids hate to eat fruits this is the easiest way to make them eat 😊 . Okay then let’s get started.

Jan 8, 2017

Carrot Halwa

                      Carrot Pudding / Gajar Ka Halwa
From my childhood I was always eager to eat this dessert . Don’t know why … may be due that old advertisement on Hawkins contura pressure cooker  where the lady makes carrot halwa, hope you guys remember. I always tell my mom to make this but she never did 😞.  As a part of my post graduation internship I had to stay in a hostel at Mysore, there as an evening treat I got to taste this delicious halwa for the first time. Omg!!!! After a long wait I got to eat this super tasting halwa 😃. After coming to US I often make this as carrots are too cheap here ;-) I got a chance to treat my mom too with this. She enjoyed this very much 😍.  It is too easy to make. With a very few ingredients a delicious sweet is ready. It is bit time consuming but if you make this pressure cooker that part also becomes easy. We had a baby shower this Saturday and I made this halwa as a treat for her. I had a very nice time with my friends.  Its winter here , we hardly meet our friends as it is very difficult to step out .We had so much fun playing games and eating many special goodies. Thanks to all of you 😊. Coming back to carrot halwa it is very easy and quick to make. The carrots are cooked along with milk, sugar and ghee. You can also nuts and dry fruits to make it more rich and tasty.  You can also add condensed milk and khoya (less moisture dairy product similar to ricotta cheese).It is mainly prepared during festive season like diwali (festival of lights), Raksha Badhan (love between brothers and sisters). If you want to impress somebody carrot halwa will be your right choice 😉.  Okay then lets get started.

Jan 4, 2017

Pav Bhaji

Pav Bhaji
Pav Bhaji is a popular North Indian fast food. It is one of the most popular Mumbai street foods. It is served in almost all restaurants around the globe.  It is a delicious whole some meal. The rich and tasty vegetable curry (bhaji) is served with butter toasted bread (pav). You can use any vegetable of your choice to make the bhaji like potatoes, peas, cauliflower, bell peppers, radish, eggplant, carrot and green beans.  These vegetables are cooked and mashed and cooked along with ginger, garlic, oinion , tomatoes and spices. Usually we add pav baji masala but I din’t add pav bhaji masala instead I used household spice powders.  It a easy way to make your kids eat veggies as the taste of butter dominates both the pav and baaji 😉. It can be served as a snack or as a meal. It is also a great party snack.  You can make the bhaji in advance. There are many variations in pav baji like fried pav baji with pav tossed in bhaji, cheese bhaji , with cheese on top of the  bhaji the list goes on … here I have made the usual pav bhaji.  Try out this easy and quick recipe and surprise your friends and family 😍😍. Okay then let’s get started.