Apr 13, 2017

Ela Ada

Vishu Ada / Ela Ada/  Elayappam / Steamed Jaggery Rice Cake
Vishu ada or ella ada is prepared in the morning as breakfast for vishu. This can be served as an evening snack also. It is perfect combo for tea or coffee. It is prepared in banana leaf. It smells like heaven when it is getting cooked. The smell of jaggery and banana leaf makes us tempting to eat it. It is a steamed delicacy. I love eating this. We hardly prepare this here; the usage of banana leaf is a must. We hardly get banana leaves so it’s difficult to try this. Still I tried these with aluminum foil but that heavenly taste of banana leaves were missing. When I went to India this January my mom made this special delicacy for me. Without fail I clicked some pics. This was done by me and my mom. "Thank you amma ". Due to unpredictable weather change, Cassia fistula (kanikonna) was in full bloom, that golden shower was a real treat to my eyes and I clicked those. Okay then let’s get started.

Apr 11, 2017

Parippu Pradhaman

Parippu Pradhaman / Lentil Pudding

Yes… it is Vishu. In Kerala when the sun enters in to Sidereal Aries it is called Vishu. Vishu symbolizes the beginning of spring. It is celebrated as a harvest festival and  is called by many different names like Ugadi, Bihu in different states.The harvest festival is known as Vishu in Kerala. The main specialty of Vishu day is that there will be equal number hours of day and night. The festival is dedicated to lord Krishna / Vishnu.

Apr 10, 2017


 Aviyal / Mixed Vegetables in Coconut - Yogurt Sauce

Aviyal is a thick mixture of vegetables, coconut and coconut oil 😋. It is considered as an essential side dish in Kerala sadya/ feast. It is a mainly a South Indian dish, originated from Kerala. It is pretty easy to prepare this 😃. As I said it is a delightful mix of all vegetables 😃. You can use almost all veggies to prepare this. The mainly used vegetables are carrot, beans, drumsticks, raw plantain, yam, white pumpkin, cucumber, broad beans and snake gourd. You cut these veggies and mix it with coconut paste and yogurt. Only the cutting part consumes time 😤, you can finish the recipe in a few minutes 👍. Apart from sadhya I usually prepare during this during the weekend when you have all veggies left in the refrigerator but it’s not that enough to prepare one single dish in bulk.  This is also very healthy as you have all possible vegetables 💪. A sadya/ feast can’t be served without this healthy- tasty side dish 👌. You can serve this a side dish for rice and chapatti / roti 😉. Okay then let’s get started.

Apr 9, 2017

Fish Cutlet

Fish Cutlet/ Fish Croquette

 I am a crazy lover of sea foods 😋. I like to eat it in any form though crabs are an exception. Fish cutlets are my favorite. I used to spend all my vacations with my sister  in Bangalore.Among all snacks mutton and fish cutlets were my favorites.  Thank u Sis 😘😍…. For introducing me to all such stuffs. Our dad doesn’t like getting food from outside 😞. He always favors home made goodies. So when I was at Palakkad (my home town) I hardly get to eat these kinds of stuffs. Coming back to cutlets, here I have used canned tuna.It is too easy to make.These golden treats are always a winner 😊. This is perfect for any occasion 👍. It can be served as an apptizer or as a snack 😉. Enjoy this mouthwatering snack with a hot cup of tea. Okay then let’s get started.

Apr 7, 2017


Sambar/ Lentil Gravy

A sadya/ feast is incomplete without Sambar… this is THE MAIN DISH. Sambar is nothing but gravy made of lentils, tamarind, vegetables and spices.  Here I have prepared typical a Kerala Sambar (Sothern state of India). The specialty of Kerala Sambar is that you make use of two or more vegetables. The mainly used veggies are potato, ash guard, egg plant, drumstick, carrot etc… you make sambar with or without coconut. When we use coconut it is called “Varthuarcha Sambar”/ Sambar with roasted coconut. Sambar made with freshly ground sambar powder is a real treat to your taste buds. Last week I have shared fresh sambar powder, I’m using the same powder here to make sambar. Tamarind is a must to make sambar, and also the seasoning that you add in the end. Sambar can be serves not only as a side dish for rice but also for idli (rice cake) or dosa (rice pancake).  Do give it a try I’m sure you all will like it...Okay then let’s get started…

Apr 5, 2017


Pachadi  / Beetroot Pachadi
Here comes a very tasty  sadya / feast dish … its pachadi. Pachadi is another dish which is made with yogurt. Other than yogurt you add coconut, cumin seeds and any fruit 🍍  or vegetable . The fruits mainly used in pachadi are pineapple, grapes and banana; if fruits are used then pachadi is called madhura pachadi. Commonly used veggies to make pachadi are cucumber, carrot, raw mango and beetroot. Here I have used beetroot to make pachadi. It is more or less similar to salad / raita except you add seasoning and coconut 😊. This gorgeous looking beetroot pachadi is an indispensable dish for sadya / feast 😊. It is super easy 😉 and super yummy 😋. Okay then let’s get started…

Apr 3, 2017


Erisserry/ Elissery / Pumpkin & Redgram Gravy

 Here comes another sadhya / feast recipe … erissery or elissery.  It is an essential dish during festival feasts 😃. It is a combination of pumpkin, red beans and coconut.  It is usually prepared thick. You can also use yam and raw plantain. It is too easy to prepare this 😉. Unlike other sadya dishes you don’t add yogurt here. Coconut is a must for this curry. You add coconut paste and also you add it while seasoning the curry.  The seasoned coconut adds extra flavor to the curry 😋. Okay then let’s get started.