Apr 13, 2017

Ela Ada

Vishu Ada / Ela Ada/  Elayappam / Steamed Jaggery Rice Cake
Vishu ada or ella ada is prepared in the morning as breakfast for vishu. This can be served as an evening snack also. It is perfect combo for tea or coffee. It is prepared in banana leaf. It smells like heaven when it is getting cooked. The smell of jaggery and banana leaf makes us tempting to eat it. It is a steamed delicacy. I love eating this. We hardly prepare this here; the usage of banana leaf is a must. We hardly get banana leaves so it’s difficult to try this. Still I tried these with aluminum foil but that heavenly taste of banana leaves were missing. When I went to India this January my mom made this special delicacy for me. Without fail I clicked some pics. This was done by me and my mom. "Thank you amma ". Due to unpredictable weather change, Cassia fistula (kanikonna) was in full bloom, that golden shower was a real treat to my eyes and I clicked those. Okay then let’s get started.

Preparation time:  20min

Cooking time: 10-12min

Serves: 3-4


Rice flour: 1 ½ cup

Hot water: as needed

Salt: ½ tsp

Jaggery: ¾ cup (grated)

Coconut: 1 cup

Cardamom powder: 1 tsp

Butter: as needed

Banana leaves: as needed


1.       Clean the banana leaves with water and wipe it dry. Cut it into equal squares as shown.
2.       Spread butter as shown. Set aside.

3.       Melt the jaggery in a thick pan and strain it to get rid of impurities.

4.       Add the strained jaggery syrup to the same pan; add coconut and cardamom powder. Mix it till it gets   thickened .Cover and set aside.

5.       Add salt and hot water to the rice flour. Mix it with a ladle, later when it is cool enough to touch make dough similar to chapathi dough.

6.       Then place one small ball of dough on the leaf.

7.       With the help of butter spread the dough as shown.
8.       Take a small portion of coconut- jaggery mixture.

9.       Fold the leaf and seal the edges.

10.   Steam this for 10-12 min in a steamer or idli cooker.

11.   Open and serve. Delicious adas are ready.

12.   Enjoy.


1.       You can also use raw rice instead of rice flour.

2.       Jackfruit jam and sliced bananas can also be used in the filling.

3.       Instead of jaggery, sugar can be used.

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