Jun 19, 2017


Unnakaya / Stuffed Banana Roll

Here is the recipe for unnakaya (stuffed banana roll) 😃.  A spindle shaped snack where the main ingredient is banana 🍌 or plantain (Nenthrapazham).  The plantains are steamed, mashed and filled with coconut dry fruits mixture. Then it is fried in coconut oil. This snack is a favorite among many and is perfect for any parties 👌. This is the main snack of Malabar region (Kerala /India). The recipe varies from region to region. The variations are mainly made in the stuffing. Coconut, dry fruits, sugar and cardamom powder are the main ingredients used as stuffing. Sometimes scrambled eggs are added to the stuffing. Sometimes coconuts are completely avoided.  Plantains are used as dough. Unnakaya is loved by all 😋😋. It is a perfect snack box item. It is too easy to prepare but care should be taken while selecting the plantains 😊. Over ripened plantains should be completely avoided. Plantain should be neither under ripe nor over ripe. Another important thing to be considered is while steaming the plantain it shouldn’t be over steamed 😉. If you over steam it the dough will be sticky and you will not be able to roll the banana to shapes. Steaming should be done properly . Keeping these points in mind will help you make tasty and crispy – soft unnakaya 👍👍 . Crispy from outside, soft from inside.  Okay then let’s get started...

Preparation time: 30 min

Cooking time: 10-12 min


Nenthrapazham / ripe plantain:  3

Coconut: ¾ cup

Raisin: 2 tbsp

Cashew: 2 tbsp

Sugar: 3 - 4 tbsp

Cardamom powder: ½ tsp

Ghee:  1 tbsp

Coconut oil: as needed


1.       Steam the plantain till soft but not mushy.
2.       Peel the skin and remove the black seeds as shown.

3.       Mash the plantain to smooth soft dough. If the plantain batter is runny add 2-3 tbsp of rice flour or refrigerate for 2-4 hrs.  Set aside.

4.        Heat a pan to fry raisins followed by cashews. Remove and set aside.

5.       In the same pan add coconut and sauté (medium heat) till it turns slightly golden in color.

6.       Add sugar, cardamom powder and fried nuts. Mix everything together. Set aside.

7.       Take a small ball from the plantain dough; flatten it on your palm.

8.        Drop in 2 tsp of coconut mixture in the centre of the flattened plantain ball.  

9.       Roll it between your palms and shape it as shown. Repeat the same with the remaining dough.

10.   Heat a pan with coconut oil and throw in the unnakaya one by one. Fry the unnakaya till it turns golden brown uniformly in medium heat.

11.   Drain and serve hot as a tea time snack.

12.   Enjoy.


1.       Select plantains that are neither over ripe nor under ripe.

2.       Take care while steaming the plantains. Don’t overcook them.

3.       Cook the unnakaya in medium heat.


  1. This was my evening snack today. We all loved it .. Thanks bellpepperss

  2. Thank you for sharing your feedback. pls do try other recipes too..
