May 14, 2017

Nannari Sarbath

  Nannari Sarbath
Summer is here 🌞!!! Roll up your picnic blankets; it’s time to party outside. A much awaited time of the year. The days are pretty longer, you get to spend a lot of time outside. It’s also time to make something cool and refreshing 🍹.  Quenching your thirst is the main task you do during summer 🌞. So something fresh and cool energizes you. Here I have something special for you. “Nannari sarbath “. Since childhood these colorful syrup always fascinated me. I’m sure you all love it. It is a perfect summer drink. Me and my sisters were very fond of this 😍. So is my hubby; last Jan when we went to Palakkad we didn’t forget to have this 😉.  Lucky me I got a full bottle of nannari syrup and I carried it to here. I was waiting for the mercury to rise a bit so that I can enjoy this after a tiring day outside in the hot sun. Last week I made this. Unlike other summer drinks, Nannari sarbath has medicinal value also . We use roots of Hemidesmus indicus ( Naruneendi /Nannari) to make this. The roots are washed, crushed and boiled along with water to get the syrup. Then this extract is used as refreshing syrup with sugar and lemon . Apart from that the extracts are also used for medicinal and other purposes like soap making. I got the syrup so I have directly used the syrup here 😃. Beat the heat with this healthy and stimulating drink 👍. Okay then let’s get started.

Total time: 5-8 min

Serves: 2


Water / soda: 2 cups

Lemon: 1

Nannari syrup: 4-6 tbsp

Sugar: as needed (optional)


1.       Squeeze lemon on to a container or cup.

2.       Add the nannari syrup and sugar . Mix it.

3.       Then add soda/ water. Combine everything together.

4.       Add ice and serve chilled.

5.       Enjoy. 

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