May 14, 2017



Popsicle is a perfect treat during these summer days 🌞. Popsicle is also called ice pop, freezer pop or ice lolly . It is made by freezing flavored or fresh fruit juice. This brought back my childhood memories ...remember how we used to wait for the 'Icewala" for this Summer delicacy😊😊😊 All brightly colored pops were a treat to our sight 😍.  Grape, orange, pineapple and milk were the common flavors available 😋. Here I have tried making a healthy Popsicle 💪. A healthy orange Popsicle. Juice the oranges 🍊🍊 and then mix it with sugar.  Pour the juice on to the moulds. Freeze it. Healthy popsicles are ready in no time.  Cool down this summer with a simple, healthy and frozen snack. Summer vacations are around the corner; surprise your kids with delectable – fun filled snack 😉. A warm weather favorite of all. Okay then let’s get started.

Total time: 10 min – overnight

Serves: 3-4


Orange: 3

Water: ¼- ½ cup

Sugar: as needed

Clean Popsicle mould


1.       Juice oranges with the help of a juicer or a blender.

2.       Strain the juice using a strainer.

3.       Add the sugar to the strained juice and mix.

4.       Pour the juice in to the moulds.

5.       Freeze it for at least 8 -12 hrs.

7.       Show the moulds under running water for 30 seconds to remove the popsicles.
8.       Enjoy before it melts.


1.       You can use any other fruits like grapes, mango, pineapple etc

2.       Adding sugar is purely optional. The oranges I used were little tangy hence I added sugar.

3.       You can also use flavored juice. 

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