Dec 22, 2016

Banana Halwa


Halwa is popular around the globe. We usually make it with flour and rava/semolina but we can create different varieties by using different fruits n veggies.. Here I have tried making banana halwa , I made this for the first time but it came out well :-) One day I was longing to eat our own red colored kozhikodan  halwa, unfortunately there was no scope to eat it. I miss all those differently colored halwas.So planned to make halwa at home.  Then was confused, which one to make. Suddenly my eyes got stuck on the banana that was there in my counter, it was over ripened , to eat. So cooked halwa with that. Believe me it was super yummy. I myself couldn’t wait till it got cooked. It is an easy way to transform all those over ripe bananas.  Ok then let’s get started….

Preparation Time: 8-10min

Cooking time: 30 min

Serves: 5-6


Plantain/ Nendra Pazham: 2

Sugar: ½ cup

Ghee: as needed

Cashews: 2 tbsp (fried)

Cardamom powder: 1 tsp


1.       Peel, slice and grind bananas to a fine paste.

2.       Heat a thick bottomed pan and add ghee.

3.       Add the banana paste and keep stirring in low flame, about 15 -20 min.

4.       When the paste thickens up add sugar and cardamom powder.


5.       Add ghee every now and then. Continue stirring for another 10-15 minutes.

6.       By this time the color would become glossy.

7.       Add fried cashews and switch off the flame.

8.       Pour this to a prepared plate and level the top. Allow it to cool.

9.       Once it has cooled completely cut in to desired shapes.

10.   Enjoy



1.       Add ghee as when required. Less ghee gives a hard texture to the halwa.

2.       When the halwa turns glossy stop adding ghee.

3.       You can adjust the quantity of sugar according to your preference.The bananas I used were  sweet enough so just used ½ cup of sugar.

4.       Cook the halwa in low- medium heat.

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