Dec 22, 2016

Breakfast Smoothie


Yes I’m back with something that is yummy & nutritious. It is a breakfast smoothie or you can call it blueberry banana oats smoothie. Yup  it has all those…  blueberries, banana, oats and milk.  It is very important to have something heavy in the morning.  It gives you the energy needed for the entire day. This breakfast smoothie is very delicious, filling and above all it’s very refreshing to have a perfect start. Moreover it doesn’t require cooking so it’s super easy. You can prepare and store it in the fridge the previous day itself.  As you all know these days all of us are so conscious about our health that we are trying to include all kinds of fruits and veggies in our diet. This smoothie is loaded with vitamins and minerals. Blueberry is a good source of antioxidants. it helps to maintain a good blood sugar level and also has many anti- cancer benefits. Bananas are filled with essential nutrients like potassium and are filled with energy boosters.  Oats a whole grain cereal is a good source of fiber and antioxidants. It helps to lower our blood and cholesterol levels.  This smoothie is a complete meal which can also be served a as a snack. Ok then let’s get started.

Time: 8 min

Serves: 3


Blueberries: 1 cup

Banana: 1

Oats: 1/3 cup 

Whole Milk: 1 cup


1.       Wash the blueberries under running water set aside. Slice  the bananas.

2.       Powder the oats in a blender to get a smooth texture.

3.       Place the washed blueberries, sliced bananas in to the blender; add enough milk to puree it. Cover and puree until smooth.

4.       Open the blender and add rest of the milk and give it a final mix.

5.       Pour into glasses to serve.

6.       Delicious smoothie is ready in no time.


1.       You can add honey/sugar to make it sweeter.
2.       If you want you can skip powdering oats.
3.       Instead of blueberry you can choose any berries like strawberry, blackberry.
4.       Instead of milk you can add almond or soy milk.