Dec 22, 2016




Ripe avocados at home?  Then why not try making a simple, healthy and tasty dip… yup guacamole it is, but can also be used as a condiment or salad. It is a Mexican cuisine but now it has become a part of American cuisine. The main ingredients are ripe avocado, salt and lime but to increase its richness you can very well add onion, garlic, tomato and corn…believe me it’s too easy to prepare. Gather all ingredients and  mix,,, yes that’s it yummy guacamole is ready. You can make it smooth or chunky according to your preference.   Ok then let’s get started.

Total time: 10 min

Serves: 2-3


Ripe avocados: 2 (brown colored)

Tomato: 1 (chopped)

Lime: ½ (juiced)

Green chili: 2 (finely chopped)

Salt: as needed

Cliantro : a handfull (chopped) 

Optional ingredients

Onion: ¼ cup (chopped)

Garlic: ½ tsp (minced)

Chili powder: ½ tsp


1.       Cut the avocados in half. Remove seed; scoop out the flesh with a spoon to a bowl. Mash it.
2.       Add chopped tomatoes, lime juice, green chilli and salt.

3.       Mix everything together.

4.       Transfer it to serving bowl. Garnish with chopped cliantro.

5.       Serve immediately or refrigerate till use.

6.       Enjoy with tortilla chips.

1.       If you want a smooth texture mash avocados well.

2.       Refrigeration is important or else it loses its flavor and color.

3.       Just mix salt and avocado if you are out of other ingredients.

4.       You can add fruits like mango, pineapple and strawberries.

5.       Try adding sour cream and cheese for an enhanced flavor.

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