Dec 22, 2016

Banana Pancake

                        Eggless Whole Wheat Banana Pancake

Pancakes are my favorites. They are just yum. International house of pancakes (IHOP) is one of my favorite restaurants.  Back home we have rice pancake (dosa), laced rice pan cake (appam) but never tried pancake with all purpose flour or maida. They are too easy to prepare.  You don’t have to blend the ingredients to make batter or you don’t have to ferment it. Just you have to mix the ingredients in correct proportions. Being bit health conscious here I have used whole wheat over all purpose flour.  Have added jaggery (a kind of brown sugar) insead of sugar. Jaggery has many health benefits. It is rich in iron and potassium and many other phyto-nutrients. Whole wheat banana pancakes are guilt free breakfasts. As they are rich in fiber they are very filling and they keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the day.  It is best way to use all those over ripened bananas. Ok then let’s get started…..

Preparation time: 5 min

Cooking time: 5-10 min

Serves: 2-3


Whole wheat: 1 cup

Baking powder: 1 tsp

Jaggery powder / sugar: ½ - ¾ cup

Cardamom / cinnamon powder: ½ tsp

Banana: 2 (medium sized)

Butter: as needed

Whipped cream / maple syrup / honey: as needed


1.       Take a bowl and add wheat flour, baking powder, jaggery powder, cardamom powder.

2.       Mix it together.

3.       Slice banana into a bowl.

4.       Mash it well.

5.       Pour milk, mashed banana to the dry ingredients.

6.       Blend everything nicely so that the batter is lump free.

7.       Heat a pan, smear little oil/ butter.

8.       Pour a full ladle of batter to the pan when it is hot enough. Do not spread.

9.       When it gets cooked flip over to the other side.

10.   Transfer to the serving plate when done.

11.   Serve hot with maple syrup/ honey/ whipped cream.

12.   Enjoy.


1.       You can use all purpose flour / maida instead of wheat flour.

2.       Banana can be replaced with chopped strawberries or blueberries.

3.       A beaten egg can be added along with milk.

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