Dec 22, 2016

Oats Kesari

                                                           Oats Kesari


Oats Kesari?  Ya you read it right … "Kesari with Oats" ...  Kesari is a sweet dish which is very soft and delicate. We make Kesari with Semolina, but here I have tried making Kesari with oats. In recent times the usage of oats has hit a new high. Other than consuming it as normal cereal we make many new varieties like bread, muffin, payasam (pudding), pancakes (both sweet and savory), idli (rice cake) almost everything. I have tried this recipe from “Magic Oven” - a cookery show .  Oats as you all know is a cereal which is rich in fiber and other essential nutrients. Due to its cholesterol lowering qualities it is recommended by doctors these days, but in this recipe you have to add a little extra amount of ghee (clarified butter)  to make it little soft.  I have tried both ways like adding less and more ghee believe me 7-8 tbsp of ghee is a must to make to it soft. Those who are health conscious can avoid it. Ok then let’s get started.

Cooking time: 30 min

Serves: 4-5


Oats: 1 ½ cup

Hot water: 4 ½ cup

Sugar: 1 ½ cup

Ghee (clarified butter): 7-8 tbsp

Cardamom powder: 1 tsp

Food color: a pinch (optional)

Dry fruits: as needed (optional)


1.       Heat a thick bottomed pan. Add ghee.

2.       Throw in the oats and fry it till oats changes its color to golden brown

3.       Add hot water to the fried oats.

4.       Allow the mixture to thicken up stirring in between.

5.       Once the mixture thickens add sugar followed by color
6.       Mix it well ,then add cardamom powder.

7.       When the kesari starts to leave the sides of the pan switch off the flame.


8.       Transfer it to a serving bowl.


9.       Garnish it with dry fruits.

10.   Enjoy.


1.       Make sure that you add sugar only after cooking oats. Once you add sugar the oats won’t get cooked. 

2.       Take care while adding hot water to the oats.

3.       You can increase and decrease the quantity of sugar according to your taste.

4.       Please don’t comprise with adding ghee, to get a soft texture 7-8 tbsp of ghee is a must.

5.   Kesari thickens up as it gets cooled , so once the Kesari starts to leave the sides of the pan switch off the flame.

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